Infrastructure Management

We have come a long way from manually managing the infrastructure requirements of application(s). AWS CDK provides opportunity to define the infrastructure requirements using familiar programming languages such as Typescript or Python.

AWS CDK can create the underlying components such as VPC, S3 buckets, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, and security groups. It can contain runtime logic, whether that is Lambda function code written in Typescript or a container-based server written in NodeJS. Besides the above two, it can also specify the delivery pipeline, which enables continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD). Thus AWS CDK, as per our experience, is a budding and new toolkit to efficiently manage the AWS cloud resources as well as to setup the pipeline requirements.

AWS Control Tower makes it a breeze to deploy to multiple AWS accounts. When code is pushed to a repository and passes code review, it’s picked up by a shared services account, where the delivery pipeline is configured. That account is responsible for building, testing, and deploying the application to target environments, such as beta, gamma, and prod, each of which is hosted in its own isolated account.

Amazon AWS

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud

Digital Ocean

What We Offer

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service to manage networks, virtual machines, load balancers, connection topology programmatically using source code and versioning

Efficiently distribute incoming network traffic among servers using appropriate load balancing algorithms in cloud provider AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud

Scalability and elasticity in infrastructure using cloud services like AWS Autoscaling and Azure Autoscale. Through these services we adjust capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. These services include maximizing app responsiveness, autoscaling based on different schedules and by any metric, and cost effective deployments.

Cloud monitoring for cloud services, for websites, for availability and responsiveness. Cloud services telemetry management using Azure Monitor and Amazon CloudWatch. This provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, optimize resource utilization, and get a unified view of operational health.

Expertise in automation using IaC tools such as Puppet, Chef, Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Google Cloud Deployment Manager, and Azure Resource Manager,

Cloud Backup. Cloud backup is insurance against events that can prevent a business from maintaining business continuity (BC). BC means ensuring operations remain as normal as possible under all conditions. Most vendors of cloud backup systems market two types of solutions: (1) backup/recovery of on-premise resources to the cloud; and, (2) backup/recovery of cloud-based resources and systems to cloud-based storage.

Access and Identity Control in the Cloud using AWS IAM, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Google Cloud IAM, and Amazon Cognito. Identity Governance.

Cloud encryption - end-to-end encryption and limited encryption. SSL and Key Management. cloud vendors have introduced both hardware and software solutions to key management. The hardware approach is known as a hardware security module or HSM and the software approach is known as a key management service or KMS.

Best Practices for Modern Deployment with AWS SDK

Managed relational databases are popular nowadays. They shine from the cost, scalability, and maintenance perspectives. As the name suggests they are managed by the cloud providers and the team can concentrate on the business critical features and implementation. They provide the maximum configurable options and we, at 42Square, have experience in deploying development mode single instance databases to Zone-redundant high availability database clusters.

Start Simple

In a greenfield project, our mantra is to start simple and add complexity when needed. AWS CDK constructs are placed in the single package, and moved to shared ones depending on the reusability. Multiple applications are placed in separate repositories to decrease the blast radius.

Infrastructure code and application code lives in the same package

AWS CDK can handle everything from managing the resources to bundling the runtime applications and setting up CI/CD. By keeping infrastructure and runtime code together, it’s easy to evolve them together, test them in isolation, share and reuse across projects, and keep them in sync and version them together.

Constructs are the building blocks

By using constructs, you give yourself and your users, the flexibility to compose stacks in the way that makes the most sense for each deployment scenario.

Unit Test Infrastructure!

One of the benefits of following the AWS CDK best practice of creating deterministic builds (avoiding network lookups during synthesis, and modeling all your production stages in code, which we cover later), is that you can run a full suite of unit tests at build time, consistently in all environments.

Cloud Advantages

All providers of cloud computing gives certain set of advantages

  • Cloud Deployments are fast compared to manual provisioning and Infrastructure management. Upscaling and downscaling might become so simple like rotating knobs
  • Cloud computing could be accessed from nearly any geographic location or from any type of devices
  • Cost effective as Cloud services are elastic and allows the customer to choose as per the needs
  • Ideal for small organizations and startups as there are no upfront investment. Subscribers pay only for what they use.
  • Reduces or eliminates the need for IT infrastructure in house team

With SaaS, hardware, operating system, and applications are supplied and managed by an external party. Everything but the applications are transparent to the user.